Showing posts with label MANZANO BANANA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MANZANO BANANA. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 December 2012


Manzano Banana:
The Manzano banana is short and chubby with a mild strawberry-apple flavor, and the skin is black when it’s ripe. It has a chunkier and heavier appearance than traditional banana. This banana is usually grown in Asia, South America, Mexico, Caribbean, and Africa, which also known as Apple banana.

One of the world's most popular fruits, the banana has been cultivated and enjoyed since ancient times. Their velvety texture and unique flavor can be used in fruit salads, ice cream, smoothies, yogurt, pies, puddings, fritters, dumplings, breads or dipped in chocolate and frozen. One of the more unusual varieties of dessert bananas is the Manzano. A stubby, thick-skinned, golden yellow fruit that is commonly known as the "apple banana", this gourmet banana has a delicious, sweet taste with a hint of apple and strawberry. This short, plump, finger-sized variety will turn dark yellow when ripe

Nutritional characteristics:
 Manzano Bananas are a good source of fiber, potassium and vitamin C. Eat one a day! They contain 8 amino-acids our body cannot produce itself.

Considered a virtually perfect food, the banana is very low in sodium, high in potassium, and contains approximately 6 vitamins and 11 minerals. This is also true of the short, thick, specialty banana called the Manzano Banana. Similar to the common yellow Cavendish banana, the Manzano is smaller and sweeter, with a hint of crunchy apple-strawberry flavor. Not to be confused with the Baby Banana, the pale-gold Manzano actually tastes best when its skin is covered with black spots or has turned completely black. Native to tropical countries like Central and South America, the Caribbean and Mexico, Melissa's Manzano Bananas (in 10# and 20# units) are very popular in Latin American, African and Asian cuisine. Serve with cereal, pancakes, waffles, fruit salads, poultry, meats or chilled fruit juices.